Flash Fiction
“Physics Fail” Denver Quarterly (2019)
“Diagrams” Tiny Spoon (2019)
Essays about Physics
“An Ocean of Instance, An Ocean of Law” (Medium, originally in Isotope: A Journal of Literary Nature and Science Writing, 6.1 Spring/Summer 2008): essay about my journey from physics to poetry.
“Custodians of the Strong Force” (symmetry: dimensions in particle physics, 2009): meditation on science and democracy.
Essays about Farm Life
“Rebuilding the Plains” (Medium, 2013): converting cool season grasses into native warm-season and wildflowers as part of the government Conservation Reserve Program (CRP).
“Going Native” (originally in Front Range Sustainable Small Acreage News, Colorado State, 2011): also about converting cool season grasses into native warm-season and wildflowers as part of CRP.
Essays that Address Bipolar Disorder
“The Artistic Temperament” (Medium, originally in Maine in Print 2004): I feel like I have grown up since I wrote this one. I’ve lived with bipolar disorder since 2001 (well, 1997 if you count the first few diagnoses, which I rejected).
“Restless Fourteen Times: The Marvel and the Tyranny of Personal Data” (Medium, 2013): what my Fitbit tells me about sleep and my state of mind.
“The Case of the Fitbit-Defying Metabolism” (Medium): I wrote this sort of complaint about calorie-counting and to date it has 14.9K views, making it far and away the most widely read thing I’ve ever written, and it has nothing to do with my life on the farm or physics poetry.