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Radio, podcasts, etc.
Radio, podcasts, etc.
Brick St Discussion
Interview with Brick Street Poetry about poems in Still Recognizable Forms, attempting the prairie, the Zero-Waste Movement, Existentialism vs Nihilism, landfills, the barn, the chicken coop, and other fun stuff.
Reading at Appalachian State University, March 2019
Here I read at App State University! Thanks to Kelly McCallister for flying me out and to Jessica Brooks for putting this slide show with audio together. After recently watching a reading of my mentor and good friend, Tom Andrews, give a reading there in 1994, I’m especially excited about this!
Astronomy and Poetry discussion with da Vinci Pursuit
IUPUI physicist Andy Gavrin and I discuss astronomy and poetry with Mark Kesling and Krista Hoffmann-Longtin. Scroll down to find the play button.
Hamptons Observatory and Guild Hall, "A Sky Full of Poems"
Hamptons Observatory and Guild Hall with Dava Sobel, “A Sky Full of Poems.” An actor reads “As the Knud Rasmussen Glacier Calves, a Woman Translates ‘Gravitational Waves’ into Blackfoot,” from the August issue of Scientific American.
Science History Podcast with Dava Sobel!
Science History Podcast with Dava Sobel guest—she reads my poem, “Red” (June 2020) (link to show here)
Da Vinci Pursuit Radio Discussion
Radio show, The daVinci Pursuit: A discussion on Poetry and Physics with Physicist Andy Gavrin and Poet Jessica Reed (I read “Particle,“ “Field of Vision,“ and “Hypothetical Flawless”) (Also a brief discussion of women in physics). With Mark Kesling and Jill Ditmire. (2019) (link to show here)
KMUZ's Cool Sheets (Mid-Willamette Valley, Oregon community radio) Episode 92 (September 2018)
Guest on Karen Holman and Brian Hart’s Cool Sheets show, September 2018 (link to show here)
WFYI No Limits Radio, Indianapolis. National Poetry Month (April 2018)
Poets Allyson Horton, Jessica Reed, Mitchell L.H. Douglas, Chris Forhan on Indianapolis WFYI’s No Limits. (link to show here) [Chris Forhan not pictured]
KMUZ Cool Sheets, Oregon Community Radio. Episode 100 (2020)
I talk about Lauren Redniss’s graphic novel about Marie Curie, Radioactive (link to show here)
WFYI No Limits, Lifelong Learning, Indianapolis (2014)
Here I join Brittany West and others discussing lifelong learning and Trade School Indianapolis. (link to show here)